
Minecraft morph mod how to change morph
Minecraft morph mod how to change morph

This plugin requires LibsDisguises and ProtocolLib. To make your morph make a sound you can hold sneak for 2 seconds. All abilities that are manually triggered can be used by sneaking and pressing left click. There is a settings section in the GUI that allows players to disable their own sounds, abilities, and choose if they want to see their own morph. These abilities can be disabled in the config if needed, or if the player desires they can use "/morph toggle" to enable/disable shift clicking abilities. Most abilities are used by Shift+Clicking. Pufferfish can poison players and mobs in a 7 block radius Dolphins, drowned, fish, phantoms and turtles can swim underwater Zombies can eat their own flesh without getting poisoned

minecraft morph mod how to change morph

Squids and Guardians have waterbreathing

minecraft morph mod how to change morph

Creepers explode when the die, or when triggered. This plugin is based on the Minecraft Forge Mod Morph created by IChun, You can transform into almost everything you kill and use the abilities that they have. Join the discord for help and to stay up to date!​ Introduction:

Minecraft morph mod how to change morph